Men who don’t value their mothers will have no value for their wives – Susan Peters

Susan Peters1Multiple award winning actress, Susan Peters, has advised women to know their worth in marriages.
The 35-year-old actress said a woman is never a slave even as she is to be submissive. She said that a woman deserves to be respected by her man and not enslaved.
Susan, who tied the nuptial nuts late in October 2015 with her Dutch lover, Dr. Koen, wrote on her Instagram account @realsusanpeters, that: “Being the head of the house in biblical sense does not mean the woman should be a slave, subdued to a lot of abuse all for the sake of wanting to be under a man’s roof.
“Mbok! Woman. Know your worth. Know your value. And draw the line if need be.
“Be you because you are Woman!!!
“Most men don’t even value the woman who gave birth to them so why will they value their woman?
“Well go figure. #IAMAWOMAN,” the Benue-born actress noted.
