Love stories


Who would have thought that the romance of two young graduates who met during the National Orientation camp for graduates would bloom into a beautiful forever?
Mildred and Edmund met under the funniest circumstances. On the said day, there was no water on camp so corpers had to fetch water from a tank organised by the camp commandant. Hundreds of buckets with different shapes and colours were lined up behind the hose of the tank.  Youth corpers lined up in the scorching sun that seem to the sucking of liquid from their skin. “oh boy, this sun fit fry egg o!” a distressed corper muttered. While others lined up patiently awaiting their turn to fetch water, others tried to play a fast one by fetching before it got to their turn. Douglas wouldn’t have it, if there was anything he disliked, it was people who tried to cheat others. He literally fought them and took it upon himself to ensure the buckets got filled with water according to the line-up even when he had fetched this. Mildred could not but notice his courage. “Mehn…this guy get time” she thought. That was the last she saw of him, a week after they left camp and were assigned to their different places of assignment.
Mildred tried to put her documents together at the Local Government Inspector’s offices so that she could do the necessary registration.
“No miss, you’ll have to staple your documents in this order” a familiar voice said. As she raised her head to look at the person who had just spoken, he was now handing her a list for the document arrangement and she quickly recognized his face.
“I know you!”
“Really, from where?”
“You are the camp commando now, you fought so we could fetch water in order”
“Oh I see!”
They both laughed.
“So what’s your name?” he asked, “I’m Douglas” he said stretching out his hands for a handshake.
She responded, “my name is Mildred” smiling sweetly.
They exchanged contacts and that was it. Their relationship grew into a beautiful bond of two souls.

>>>>Three years later<<<<

Mildred opened her eyes trying to figure out where exactly she was, then her memories started to play back like a well fitted jigsaw puzzle. She was with Douglas, they were on their way back from their introduction ceremony. There had been an auto crash. Just then the doctor walked in.
“Where is my Douglas?” she managed to say, her head felt like she had been carry a five-storeyed building.
“Madam, you need to rest” the doctor replied.
She immediately managed to lift her body from her bed. The pain was excruciating, the doctor rushed to help her.
“Ma, I’m sorry but you have to rest” said the doctor.
“I said I want to see Douglas, where is he, I need to see him” Mildred said still fighting to get up.
“we lost him…we did the best we could but he could make it, I’m sor…”
The rest of the words seemed like an echo because Mildred had blacked out. The only man she loved and was going to spend forever with was gone, just like that, all she had left was the memories of him, just memories.
