Saraki aired his opinion concerning 2016 budget.

Bukola Saraki has aired his opinions concerning President Muhammadu Buhari’s national budget for 2016 which is in excess of N6 trillion.
Bukola Saraki
Senate President, Bukola Saraki has opened up on his fears concerning the 2016 budget.
According to Nigerian Tribune, Saraki said that speedy passage of the 2016 budget was not a problem but the ability of the executive to implement it.

“You know as we said, we are going to work on the budget as quickly as possible. We are conscious of its importance to Nigeria and we
are not going to waste time. As soon as we
come back (from break), we will get down to
 work and do what we have to do.
“It is a good document, it has addressed the major issues, 70 per cent capital and infrastructure. The key issues now are really implementation. We as the National Assembly will ensure that we get our oversight right.
“By and large, as a document, it is a good document and I am sure it will not have too much difficulty passing through the National Assembly. The key issue is implementation to ensure that the bureaucracy does not kill the joy of the implementation of the budget. We will do our part.”
