My Visit to Buhari Scriptural-Fr.Mbaka, spiritual Director,Adoration Ministry.

MY VISIT TO BUHARI SCRIPTURAL-Fr.Mbaka, Spiritual Director,Adoration Ministry.   
The Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry, Enugu,Rev.Fr. Ejike Mbaka has said his recent visit to President Muhammad Buhari in Aso Rock,Abuja was Scriptural. Fr.Mbaka had predicted before the presidential election early this year that Buhari would defeat former President Goodluck Jonathan Which generated a lot of tension,including the threat to his life. As the prophecy of the Adoration Ministry director Came to Pass, Buhari's wife recently visited him at the Adoration Ground where the fiery Catholic priest gave her a bag containing copies of the Holy Bible. The Visit of the President's wife followed the visit of Mbaka to Aso Rock, during which he spoke with the president and which elicited different interpretations. But Mbaka who spoke to Sunday Sun through his personal Assistant and Media chief of the Adoration Ministry,Mr.Maximus Ugwuoke, a lawyer, said the attacks on the spiritual director was uncalled for as prophets of old like Mbaka had at one time or the other visited their leaders. He also dismissed insinuations that the president's wife rejected the bibles given to her by Fr. Mbaka when she visited him.He said that is a lie from the pit of he'll. Why should any right thinking person believe that? Is Mrs Buhari not the wife of the president who is a president of Christians and Moslems in this Country? It was a rumour spread by those very people who had sold to us the campaign dummies and propaganda that president Buhari has an agenda of Islamizing Nigeria to water down the terrible blow dealt on the past administration by Fr Mbaka's message of divine choice of Buhari to salvage the country from monumental corruption, in-security,Unemployment and Poverty that bedevilled the nation. The truth is that Fr Mbaka did not only give Mrs.Buhari a Bible during her visit, he gave her a bag of Bibles which she received for herself and others taht accompanied her with cheers. He also gave her cartons of Rapha Extra Virgin anointing oil among other presents which she received with cheers and appreciation. Pictures taken at that occasion is there for anyone that cares to see.He also talked about the speculation concerning Fr.mbaka requesting to visit Aso rock to see Mr.president.He said that Fr.mabaka had faced evn more satanic blackmail and devilish character assassination taht this. It didn't start today as he had faced worse criticism in the past. We tend to forget that the scriptures told us in Psalm 105:5 "Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm" Is it a crime for a man of God to visit the president? Apart from being a priest and an anointed prophet of God, is Fr.Mbaka not a Nigerian? If yes, has he no right to enter our Aso Rock (the presidential Villa). For visiting Mr.President has Fr. Mbaka done what is unscriptural? In exodus 5, did Moses a prohet of God not Visit Pharaoh in his seat of power in Egpt? Did Samuel not visit Saul in his seat of pwoer in 1st Samuel 15? In 2nd Samuel 12, did prophet Nathan not visit David in his seat of power? Did we not read about Elisha and Ahab in the scriptures, in 1st Kings 17? In Acts 10 did peter the first pope of the church not visit. Cornelisu in his House? Did we not read in the Bible taht evn Jesus himslef left heaven and came to man on earth? Is it not the hallmark of a real and humble anointed man of God's to do what teh Bibical prophets did? We wonder why those whose insinuations of what transpired during the meeting between Fr.Mbaka and Mr.president are poke nosing for. Did Fr.Mbaka himslef not answer their questions in the interview he granted the media during the visit when he granted the media during the visit when he stated that he had come to bless Nigerians and pray for their peace? This was aired on Channels,AIT and published in some newspapers. Those who say Fr.Mbaka came to be settled by Mr.President or that he came on Biafra agenda are on their own.
