Men harass me ‘cos I’m big and sexy

Men harass me ‘cos I’m big and sexy
By Ezeh Chibuoke

Big and sexy, Eniola Badmus, popularly known as Gbogbo Bigz Girls, came into the limelight in Funke Akindele’s film, Jenifa. And since then, she has not looked back.

In this interview with The Entertainer, she talked about her career and other issues. Excerpts:

How did you come into acting?

I have been around since 1999, I just walked into an audition centre and I was chosen.

How has it been?

It’s been a whole lot of challenges because at first it was not easy, but we glorify the name of the Lord.

What are you doing presently?

Currently, I am working on my profile, to look inwards and move into the corporate world, do some corporate shows or probably get an endorsement.

You shot into the limelight with the bad girl character in the films, jenifa and Omo Gheto; are you that bad a person?

No, I am a very simple person, I m a cool babe.

You once told me that after your university you just walked into an audition session and got a role, were you harassed sexually as being claimed by some people?

There is no industry where there is no sexual harassment because if it did not happen to you, you will not have the gut to say ‘wow! I have come a long way’.

So, it happened to you?

Obviously, It happened to me so there is no big deal about it. The fact remains that I must be harassed sexually because I am sexy and big and I know it. So, it’s bound to happen to anybody but the way you handle it matters.

How sexy are you?

That’s personal. I don’t want to go into that.

Where did you grow up?

My growing up was good and wonderful. I have wonderful parents who wanted the best for me that’s why I studied up to Masters degree level.

As a sexy person, how do you cope with male admirers?

I am very, very comfortable with guys because I have a lot of them as friends. I like to be in the midst of guys, I love them.

How is your love life, are you into any relationship?

My love life is cool and my relationship is private too.

How was your first sexual experience?

Aha, that is still private.

Do you enjoy sex?

That is rotten; I can’t talk about that too.

What do you like most about your body?

I like myself, I like my body, at times I think I’m the only person created like this because I’m not only big, I’m also sexy.

When are you getting married?

Soon, very soon because I am in my 30s and I only need just three years to have my two babies.

Which part of your body do you protect more?

I protect every part of my body because my body is a temple of God, which must not be exposed.

Do you use a special bra?

So, you want to know my bra size? Okay, I will tell you. I wear 38 Triple D.

Which colour of bra do you prefer?

No, no, I won’t answer that, that is too confidential.

How do you relate with the opposite sex?

I relate with them normally.

Which project are you working on right now?

I am working, working, working. My fans should just keep their fingers crossed.

What bad things have you done that you regret?

I have done bad, bad, bad things even worse but now I am a changed person


  1. Madam, it should be dirty and redundant set of men will run after ladies like you. You are not economical with truth. Ladies of these magnitude are prone for offensive odours, are you good in 5 am serenade, as at then all the tissues has decayed. Have a look at your Christian mother’s hands and arms who can lift such things up. What about the waist, and your laps, wouldn,t that be causing a horrible distractions for any man? Is it the multi million colors adored on the skin you presented here will attract those men? Stop marketing unmarketable products, allow people to enjoy good news rather than glancing an eye saw human structures. If those dirty and sick sets of humans like you made some advances, I rather advised you to preserved such in your mind than exposing rubbish. SUN, stop injuring the reading minds with these sort of humans on a good day like this.

  2. @Wale
    Does this saying have any meaning to you? One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

  3. Wale... this is a free world and expression should be free,
    did you have any personel reason that you hate her?she is wonderfully made by God and she have every reason to be happy and say good things to herself.let us be encouraging pls

  4. Ngozi you are right, SOme men like Thick and big

  5. Anonymous, don,t ever deploy God,s name into this issue. Someone that over fed herself, thereby remoulded her person into monster that you are here accusing God for nothing sake. Ok, asked God to bless you with nonsense like this in your family, wouldn,t you built a separate apartment for this sort of a thing?

  6. Wale or whatever you call yourself,you have shown to the world how myopic and stupid you are,show us your pics if you think that you have better looks than she has,instead of you commenting reasonably,you are here pouring your venom on an innocent girl who has done you no wrong,shame on you.back to the topic jare,i think I like the way eniola conducted herself in this interview,this is the only artiste that has come out real as an African woman,knowing that there are some certian aspect of our life that is not for public consumption unlike others that will tell you even how many rounds of sex they can take at once and all the stupid sexy stuff in other to show that they are stars.


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